The Workplace First Aid Kit complete in its robust Carry Box is fit for purpose, meets customer demand and is appropriate for the modern workplace.
These Workplace First Aid Kit Boxes have wide clips for a secure closure, andmovable compartments for more flexiblity with content location.
The box is made from a durable plastic that is less prone to damage.
The Workplace First Aid Kit fits snugly into its strong Wall Bracket.Includes Box and Wall Bracket
The kits have been designed to be user friendly, with the contents instantly visible and secure.
Workplace First Aid Kits are compliant With BS8599-1
Kit contents:
Guidance Leaflet, Contents List, Medium Sterile Dressings, Large Sterile Dressing, Triangular Bandage, Safey Pins, Sterile Eyepad, W/Proof Plasters, Sterile Saline Wipes, Microporous Tape, Nitrile Gloves, Sterile Finger Dressing, Resuscitation Face Shield, Foil Blanket, Hydrogel Burn Dressing,Scissors, Conforming Bandage.